It's time to trace history of Chronicle 2nd.
Chronicle 2nd was released on March 19, 2004. This release was a response for the request of reprinting Chronicle, as a renewal form.
The album came with a booklet, a HTML appendix containing hidden track and bonus track lyrics and system sound effects.
The album sold over 10,000 copies. Was sold first through the internet and some stores, and later at the Comic Market 66th edition in August, 2004.
- A postcard of the cover art by Yokoyan being two version of it. The A version being Rukia and B version being Noah.
History will not tolerate alteration... - The "Knights of The Rose" poem from Luna Ballad, with a singing guide version.
Singing guide: the first paragraph contains kanji and the next paragraph is the same but only in hiragana and katakana.
Clean version of the poem |
- And a button badge.
A purchase bonus sticker from the Toranoana shop:
- Not numbered on the booklet and intentionally the lyrics weren't included on the booklet so they considerate as hidden track:
- <ハジマリ>のクロニクル "<Hajimari> no Chronicle", (Chronicle of <Beginning>)
- <空白>のクロニクル "<Kuuhaku> no Chronicle", (<Blank> Chronicle)
- And if you open the CD on a computer the next "bonus tracks" files could be find:
- 雷神の右腕, "Raijin no Migi Ude", (The Thunder God’s Right Arm)
- And 『Chro2』システムヴォイス集 (『Chro2』 System Voice Collection):
- Windows起動音「Windowsが突然起動しやがった!」 (KAI.WAV) (Windows Starting Sound "Windows started up out of the blue!"): Big trouble, boss! Windows started up out of the blue in front of us! Now, don't lose your cool over something like Windows starting up! How disgraceful.
- ゴミ箱音「つまらないネタでも宜しければ…」(SAS.WAV) (Trashbin Sound "If you don't mind a boring joke..."): I am Chronica. If you don't mind a boring joke, allow me to empty the recycle bin.
- メール着信音「天地を揺るがす強大なメールじゃ!」 (KEI.WAV) (Mail Sound "The great email that shakes the earth and the skies!"): Ahh... how frightening! The great email that shakes the earth and the skies... It's coming, it's coming...!
- エラー音「私は悲しい...」 (BEA.WAV) (Error Sound "I am Saddened..."): O Lucia... I am saddened...
- Windows終了音「Windowsを終了させる薔薇」 (BAR.WAV) (Windows Ending Sound "A Rose Who Will Shut Down Windows"): The winter rose has withered, and a late spring has arrived. I'll take an oath here – that I'll become a rose who will shut down Windows!
HTML Extras:
- Again Revo didn't got time to prepare a more complete and complex HTML.
Revo said he had planned a special web page for the date of release that you could access with the password 64892573. But my memory can't remember if that web ever existed.
- Revo's note on "The Thunder God’s Right Arm" song:
This song is the origin of the Raijin series.
Since it's a fairly old song, I was hesitant to include it in the main story.
→ left arm → genealogy and I thought it would deepen the flavor.
I decided to include it as a bonus track after all. - In the HTML there was a list of the laurants that applied to get a reprint of Chronicle:
Previously, when we solicited requests for resale of the 1st Story CD "Chronicle", the following people applied. In response to that, I decided to renew and resell this time. Below, I will list them in no particular order, with titles omitted.
Thank you very much! [...[List]...]
Extra notes:
According to Revo's interview with 'Anikan R Music' Vol. 2 released in 2007 translated by Moko-chan. Revo said that the album was made for the fans who requested a reprint, but it end becoming something different. He added new instruments, lyrics, and even expanded the stories and made longer tracks.
Revo's interview with 'Anikan R Music' Vol. 2 released in 2007. |
Revo's blog update:
On December 01, 2003, Revo posted on his personal blog an update of his progress in making the CD and how long and bigger was this release in comparison to his previous works.
Revo's blog 2003/12/01 entry |
Later at the Official Site , Revo would said: "It's about 300% more powerful."
Chronicle 2nd Demo:
Since the Chronicle 2nd release took longer to make, in the Comic Market 65th, the "Chronicle 2nd Demo CD" (X-Fade Demo Disc) was released on December 30, 2003.
Under the staff its named as Vocals and Voice "Yasrow" for several songs. This is know to be Revo, before he embodied a main characters of his own histories. The name Yasrow is a play of Revo's real name, which wont be named here.
Book pages order:
If we order the tracks according to the Volumen and Page named on the lyrics it would look like this:
And if we take in considerations the titles on the previous version of Chronicle the Cover would be "Black Chronicle" (Track 1).
Also we have the Page that fell out, "Chronicle of <Beginning>" (Track 20).
Existing outside the book: "Whispers of the Book" (Track 11). And the bonus tracks: "<Blank> Chronicle" and "The Thunder God’s Right Arm".
And the pages missing from the 1st Chronicle release: "[Page 457] The King of Tree Frost ~The Frozen Witch~" and "[Page 903] The Girl Doll".
Connections thought real life history:
Revo's note in the HTML: "In this work, there are many names that are the same or very similar to real people's names and place names, but please think that this work is purely fictional and has nothing to do with it directly."
Fans maps:
Taking Europe as reference, some Laurants had created maps of the places mention on this release. Here some examples:
Picture from chronica-note |
Picture from 队长的捞鱼笔记 |
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