Bonsoir fellow Laurants.
I missed the opportunity to update you on the last edits and news we work around here.

✥ We worked hard to update the blog theme to make it friendlier for mobile users. We hope you enjoy the new look and energy put into it.

✥ The other big update is what we have been working since at least the last May, the Sound Horizon Lyrics Wiki!

A project for r
ecollection of all Sound Horizon Lyrics versions and languages in one place. So you can compare and find new meanings and interpretations of Revo's work.

We added most of the common well knows translations and versions found around on the sites. But we invite anybody to add your versions and in the language you speak. Don't let the work of Revo be stopped by barriers of language.

✥ We are still working on more [Records], the work is in progres. Hiver is just tired dealing with life and death and all of that.

Please stay safe and 『B・e・c・o・m・e・H・a・p・p・y』(☪ ̄3 ̄✥)╭~♥