It's time for reload Reloaded

Pico Magic Reloaded was released on August 17, 2003. Like the previous release this was a way of a compensation and as a reward to fans since Chronicle 2nd was originally scheduled to be released on the Comic Market 64th edition, but was still in production. 

It was composed of original new songs + re-recording of previous song + versions of unfinished new songs.

The album came with a booklet, a HTML appendix containing additional songs.

Just like the previous releases it was self-production and was sold at the Comic Market 64th edition.


  • A postcard of the cover art by Yokoyan.


  • Not listed on the booklet: the hidden track "Track 8", sometimes named "They just said Reloaded". 

  • If you open the CD on a computer the next "bonus tracks" files could be find:

    ぴこまりんご飴☆ (PICOR.WAV), "PikomaRingo Ame☆, (PicomApple Candy☆).

    And [P.M.R.] 高速再生集 "[P.M.R.] Kousoku Saisei Collection" ([P.M.R.] High Speed Playback Collection):
    • 高速...Reloaded (HSRELO.WAV) "" (High-speed ...Reloaded): It's a high-speed version of "...Reloaded"
    • 檻の中の高速 (HSC.WAV) "" (High-speed Within the Cage): It's a high-speed version of "The Game Within the Cage"
    • 高速の檻花 (HSF.WAV) "" (High-speed Flower Cage): It's a high-speed version of "The Flower in the Cage"
    • 高速澪音 (HSREIN.WAV) "" (High-speed Rein): It's a high-speed version of "World of Rein"

HTML Extras:
Again Revo didn't got time to prepare a more complete and complex HTML.

Revo said he would later publish a supplementary web that you could access with the password 45586090. But my memory can't remember if that web ever existed.

Extra notes:
  • According to Revo's interview with 'Anikan R Music' Vol. 2 released in 2007 translated by Moko-chan. Revo said that he intended to release another album but didn't made to the deadline so he had to came up again with another pleasure CD.

    Revo's interview with 'Anikan R Music' Vol. 2 released in 2007.

  • There is a mistake/misspelling in the booklet. The tittle of the 1st song is misspelled as "Reloded" instead of "Reloaded", the same mistake is carried through the whole booklet even on the track list.

          And in the Obi again they repeat the mistake but "Relodede" instead of "Reloaded".

  • ぴこまり☆ジャンケン・リベンジ (Pikomari ☆ Rock-Paper-Scissors Revenge):
    At the Comic Market 64th edition, for each purchase of the CD "Pico Magic Reloaded" you could battle against Aramary dressed as PicoMari. The winners would receive a special sound source. All indicates that this was the " ぴこまり☆の夏(仮) (Pikomari ☆ Summer (provisional))" CD. More details were mentioned in the Lost [Records].

  • The title might seems to have been taken from the movie "The Matrix Reloaded", that was theatrically released in Japan two months before the release of this album.

  • Pico Magic Revolutions:
    A mysterious CD that Revo announced on April 1, 2004.... as an April Fool's joke.
    The tittle would be a reference to the movie "The Matrix Revolutions".

  • Pico Magic Double (Provisional):
    At the Comic Market 66th edition (When Chronicle 2nd was being released) a large number of rigid fans were distributed for free.

    With a pixel art on the front and in the back it could be read "こまったときはあおいでください。" (If you’re in a pinch, please come here) on pixelated font.

    Intended to be the 3rd Pleasure CD but since later it was announced the major debut, this CD never got to see the light of day.

    The same characters can be found in another of Yokoyan drawings from his blog under the file name "picopeco". It's safe to assume that the new character could be "Peco". (This is our own interpretation)

  • PicomApple Candy☆:
    The bonus track is Picomari trying to play a game of Shiritori (しりとり). Is a Japanese word game in which the players are required to say a word which begins with the final kana of the previous word. No distinction is made between hiragana, katakana or kanji. "Shiritori" literally means "taking the end" or "taking the rear".
    There are some set of rules.
    • Only nouns are permitted.
    • Words may not be repeated.
    • A player who plays a word ending with "N" (ん) loses the game, as no Japanese word begins with that character.
    • Phrases connected by "no" (の) are permitted, but only in those cases where the phrase is sufficiently concrete to be considered a "word".

      Example from Japanese Tactics

         In this version of the game there is another rule: ( Start with "Picomari" and end with "Picomari" )